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First full length solo album released on 11th December 2021

Deep down everyone's heart, we have a perfect place and an ideal island that belong to ourselves. For XIN, in her world of music and dance, this ideal place is called "XANADU". XANADU is filled with music and dance. It is sunny and beautiful, with no boundaries and labels. Comfortable and free. It is the dreamland beyond time and space. The lyrics are the dialogues, the songs make up the plot and the dance moves are the camera movements. Once you are in XANADU, everyone is the director, the actors, the actresses and the audience. Hope that everyone can find the XANADU that belongs to them here.



Baby I Know

Funky rhythm in the air, old school popping incorporated in the dance, the use of Talk Box. After many trial and error by producer Razor Chiang, the song hopes to combine retro and pop dance songs together in a brand new way. Popping OG ACKY was invited to choreograph the dance. In the white dance room, passing through time and space, back to the most comfortable state that belongs to dancer XIN. She has chosen the dance that she is best at and loves the most, Popping, to be the first dance element to be unlocked, hoping that she, who never forgets her initial heart, can start her XANADU adventure with her favourite music and dance and let her dream become reality.



Black Sun & White Moon

The mysterious aura from the arrangement creates the start of the fantasyland, with the sun and moon along the journey. RAP and SWAG lay out the path ahead in the mist. Yunnan landscape, together with the realistic cave built, represents XANADU where black sun and white moon coexist. World famous choreographer Melvin Timtim was invited to choreograph the dance. The highlight of the song, the Yi dialogue, is the most special design of the song. Although it is an ethnic language, it surprisingly matches the song. The rich and special rhythm combines well with the ethnic style. It is like the guide to the inspiration deep down in our brains, revealing the first step into XANADU.

【纯享】刘雨昕《黑日白月》 谁家的小野猫在耍帅!《2022知乎答案奇遇夜》 The Adventures of Answers 2022丨MangoTV

【纯享】刘雨昕《黑日白月》 谁家的小野猫在耍帅!《2022知乎答案奇遇夜》 The Adventures of Answers 2022丨MangoTV

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Miao group singing from afar, as though calling upon and urging the desire in their hearts. The power of acapella and Hip-Hop can pass through the dimensional space. The beats from the military drums pushes one towards their dreams and empower them with energy like the hurricane. Choreographed by the legendary creator of Krump, Tight Eyex, the dance steps combine Krump with elements of Stomp dance, encouraging one to have passion that never stops growing. Step into the drum tower and arrive at the centre of the song hall of XANADU. Hurricane starts to guide and stops to follow the sound.

【抢先看】 刘雨昕《飓》舞台首秀太惊艳了!《你好,星期六》Hello,Saturday丨MangoTV

【抢先看】 刘雨昕《飓》舞台首秀太惊艳了!《你好,星期六》Hello,Saturday丨MangoTV

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New And More

Red jungle, fog in the dark, vines growing everywhere, as though a civilisation that has fallen. Climb up the dangerous stone steps stacked up by Alternative Hip-Hop, clear the layers of fog and find the precious lost gem. The hook that keeps repeating is the non stop courage and battle along the journey. AYA SATO, the dance artist that is famous in the international fashion industry and was Madonna's dancer, choreographed the dance in an innovative and unique way, combining Voguing and Waacking together. Dancing limbs, as bright as lightning, as though the rays of light from the surfaces of the gems. Courage is the never dying bright light in the dark.

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未知计划 X Plan

The sample of multi-percussion sounds mixed with vocals Beatbox creates a multi-layer auditory sensation. Get out of the traditional Hip-Hop style, together with a mix of Trap and world music elements, and traditional percussion which is less often seen in dance music, creates an atmosphere that is full of anticipation and unknown. The layers of beats turn into layers of transparent blurred boundaries. Facing the resistance from the noise and dark forest, X Plan is started. No rules, no boundaries. Lyle Beniga: known as one of the greatest Modern Dance choreographers, best at freestyle Hip-Hop, with great influence in Urban Dance field and one of the earliest Western choreographer to choreograph for Pop songs. He used the casual and fast tempo dance moves from Old School Hip-Hop to do something different, to tear away the labels and limitations and remove the boundaries. Breakthrough, quenching the crystallisation of the heart.

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Look Into The Mirror

Latin rhythm blended into Future Bounce, full of exotic style, a music concept full of many elements. Regardless Rap or Vocal, this song shows a unique way of singing that is full of personality, especially the powerful chorus and the high notes in Adlib. All these perfectly portrays the idea of insisting on being yourself despite the rain. The Latin Jazz dance is choreographed by winner for GAON Style of The Year and Best Choreograph and popular dance group in "Street Woman Fighter", Lachica. Bringing the concept of recycling into the music, calling upon people to pay attention to environmental issues. Not afraid of the never ending storm, persevere, use the rain to wash off the pollution in XANADU. The strong and fast rhythm is like the resonance of our heartbeat and the world's heartbeat. Persevere, after the rain, there will be the next oasis.

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Like Love

After obtaining all the gems in XANADU, with the three most precious spirits, she arrives at the free space that belongs to her. With the warm and bright melody, the different layers of changes in the mood, the perfect articulation and control of emotions and the most exquisite singing, this song is the only ballad in the album. Together with the flowing music, enjoy the moment of tranquility. The river, the woods, the humming melody, the dance in the woods. That is the solo dance for the one that you love the most. Choreographer Galen Hooks is not only an experienced modern dancer, she is also a choreographer for Broadway musicals and has danced with many celebrities like Jenny Jackson and for Domingo's opera. She is one of the most respected dancers in the industry and was also Yuxin's choreographer on a show ten years ago. She uses Lyrical Dance to express the original intention of the song. It is love that helps me keep my initial heart and to be the one that you are waiting for. Like love, it is getting closer.

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我和我 I and I

With a Trap atmosphere, full of sexy colours and R&B melody, the song has many layers to it and is exquisite. The main verse uses a sexy and husky voice to create a mirrored space and the chorus is full with passion. After passing through XANADU, before starting on a new journey, examine yourself in the mirror. Communicate with yourself. The one in the past, the one that was brave. The one in the present, the one working hard to breakthrough. The one in the future, the one that will continue to persevere. The wild and stubborn face, the one that never change. Today, regardless what kind of adventure it is, say goodbye to the past and welcome the route ahead. URBAN, composed by two choreographers from 1 Million, Jinwoo and Youngbeen, is full of city vibes. Trendy, sexy and full of storylines. It is my yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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